A MAZE. 2024

When: 08 - 11 May 2024

Where: Berlin (Silent Green - Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin)

→ a shared booth with the grantees for networking and pitching

→ a networking event "A MAZE. Invites" on Thursday, 09 May 2024, 19:00 - 21:00 p.m.

→ presentation of Kreativ-Tranfer on Thursday, 09 May 2024, 11.15 – 11.45 a.m.

A MAZE. is an internationally renowned event that brings together game developers, digital artists, musicians and other playful creatives from different countries. In an inspiring 3.5- day programme of talks, workshops, idea marketplaces and knowledge bazaars, they share the art of video game making and digital media art.

Detailed information about the A MAZE. programme can be found here.

In cooperation with tanz:digital, another funding programme of Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, Kreativ-Transfer will be represented with a shared booth at A MAZE. In addition, there will be the exclusive opportunity to take part in the networking event "A MAZE. Invites".
As a selected participant, you will have the opportunity to present your art and exchange ideas with other creatives from various disciplines (performing arts, visual arts, games).
In addition, individuals have the opportunity to share their experiences with the Kreativ-Transfer funding programme in a short Kreativ- Transfer presentation.
The grant supports participation in the international event A MAZE / Berlin 2024 by funding
travel expenses.

Review Events

cross-sectoral events

Reviews of sector-specific events:
Performing arts
Visual arts



Webinar "How to … Reisekostenabrechnung?”

30 April 2024 | 15.00 - 17.00 CET | online

Experts: Neele Renzland and Béla Bisom from transmissions
Language: German spoken language.
Please note: A good knowledge of German was necessary to be able to follow the workshop. Questions and statements were welcome in English.

Target group:
The webinar aimed at all interested players in the cultural and creative industries who (have to) deal with travel expenses in accordance with the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG). Especially addressed were: Artists and producers in the performing arts, representatives of galleries, project spaces and producer galleries as well as game developers.

Neele Renzland and Béla Bisom from transmissions gave another introduction to the regulations of the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG) and shared important basic information that are required for a complete and correct travel expense report. They addressed typical mistakes in the application and answered individual questions about (foreign) per diems, overnight allowance regulations, receipt retention obligations, mileage allowances & Co.

Please note: For trips funded by the individual German states Bundesländer), the individual state travel expense laws apply, which cannot be discussed in this workshop.



Workshop „How to … Reisekostenabrechnung?”

16 November 2023 | 10.00 - 12.00 CET

Experts: Béla Bisom & Neele Renzland of transmissions
Language: German
Please note: A good knowledge of German was necessary to be able to follow the workshop. Questions and statements were welcome in English.

Target group: The workshop aimed at all interested professionals in the cultural and creative industries who (have to) deal with travel expenses in accordance with the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG). In particular, we were addressing: game developers, representatives of galleries, project spaces and producer galleries as well as artists and producers in the performing arts.

Neele Renzland and Béla Bisom from transmissions gave another introduction to the regulations of the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG) and shared important basic information that are required for a complete and correct travel expense report. They addressed typical mistakes in the application and answered individual questions about (foreign) per diems, overnight allowance regulations, receipt retention obligations, mileage allowances & Co.

Please note: For trips funded by the individual German states Bundesländer), the individual state travel expense laws apply, which cannot be discussed in this workshop.

Workshop 'How to...Reisekostenabrechnung?'

27th April 2023 | 10.00 -12.00 a.m. | online

Experts: Béla Bisom & Neele Renzland of transmissions
Language: German
Please note: A good knowledge of German was necessary to be able to follow the workshop. Questions and statements were welcome in English.

Target group: The workshop is aimed at all interested actors in the cultural and creative industries who (have to) deal with travel expenses according to the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG).

Neele Renzland and Béla Bisom from transmissions gave another introduction to the regulations of the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG) and shared important basic information that are required for a complete and correct travel expense report. They addressed typical mistakes in the application and answered individual questions about (foreign) per diems, overnight allowance regulations, receipt retention obligations, mileage allowances & Co.

Please note: For trips funded by the individual German states Bundesländer), the individual state travel expense laws apply, which cannot be discussed in this workshop.

More Reviews

  • Grantees Get-together

    Grantees Get-together

    13 March 2023 | 10.00 - 13.30 CET | online

    Since June 2021, Kreativ-Transfer II has been funding trips to international fairs and festivals as well as strategic projects for international marketing, networking and professionalisation.

    The Grantees get-together offered the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues from different sectors in a relaxed atmosphere: about visits to fairs and travel experiences, about opportunities and challenges of international distribution, about networking opportunities and marketing ideas.

    At the same time, there was the chance to share experiences and feedback on the funding programme and to discuss suggestions for improvement and visions.

    In addition to artists, producers, gallery owners, project space operators and game developers who have travelled and implemented strategic projects with the support of the programme, cooperation partners and creative transfer jurors were invited to join the discussion.

  • Workshop „How to … travel expenses report?”

    Workshop „How to … travel expenses report?”

    06 Oktober 2022 | 10.00 - 12.00 CET | online

    Experts: Béla Bisom & Neele Renzland of transmissions
    Language: German
    Please note: A good knowledge of German is necessary to be able to follow the workshop. Questions and statements are welcome in English and group work, if applicable, can be done in either German or English.

    Target group: The workshop is aimed at all interested actors in the cultural and creative industries who (have to) deal with travel expenses according to the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG).

    Neele Renzland and Béla Bisom from transmissions gave another introduction to the regulations of the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG) and shared important basic information that are required for a complete and correct travel expense report. They addressed typical mistakes in the application and answered individual questions about (foreign) per diems, overnight allowance regulations, receipt retention obligations, mileage allowances & Co.

    Please note: For trips funded by the individual German states Bundesländer, the individual state travel expense laws apply, which cannot be discussed in this workshop.

  • Workshop: Green Mobility. How we (can) network more sustainably

    Workshop: Green Mobility. How we (can) network more sustainably

    17th & 18th May 2022 | online

    Kreativ-Transfer aims to enhance the international visibility of art and culture made in Germany. To achieve this goal, the program supports international marketing and networking activities. It funds travel to international fairs and festivals, supports digital marketing efforts, and offers digital as well as analog exchange formats such as international get-togethers and networking meetings.

    However, we are all aware that our marketing and networking activities, whether physical or digital, have an environmental impact and contribute to the global climate crisis.

    A year ago, as part of our cross-sector workshop on Green Mobility, we already addressed the question of how to reconcile environmentally sustainable practices with international networking. We discussed the impact of our individual travel behaviour, responsible mobility management, and concrete courses of action.

    Building on that, we joined forces with various experts to re-examine how we can network in a more sustainable manner. Additionally, we had the opportunity to explore the role of networking because we need to unite to effect change together.

    To the Program.

  • „How to … Reisekostenabrechnung?” (How to... travel expense accounting?)

    „How to … Reisekostenabrechnung?” (How to... travel expense accounting?)

    17 February 2022 | 10.00 - 12.00 CET | online

    Experts: Béla Bisom and Neele Renzland from transmissions
    Language: mainly in German, questions and comments in English are welcome

    Target group:   
    The workshop „How to… Reisekostenabrechnung?" was aimed at all interested creatives in the cultural and creative industries who (have to) deal with travel expense accounting according to the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG). In particular, the following are addressed: game developers, representatives of galleries, project spaces and producer galleries as well as artists and producers in the performing arts.

    If travel is funded by Kreativ-Transfer or other federal funds, the regulations of the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG) must be taken into account. The application is not witchcraft, but questions, uncertainties and mistakes often arise, which we want to answer or eliminate in this concise workshop: How does a correct calculation of (foreign) daily allowances look like, taking into account arrival and departure days and reductions due to free meals or breakfast in the hotel? How high is the overnight allowance in Germany? Can overnight stays in private accommodation, e.g. with acquaintances, be deducted? Under what conditions can a private stay be connected to a subsidised trip? How can a trip by car be accounted for - and is the reimbursement of taxi costs possible?

    Neele Renzland and Béla Bisom from transmissions gave an introduction to the regulations of the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG) and shared important basic information that is necessary for a complete and correct travel expense claim. They addressed typical mistakes in the application and answered individual questions about (foreign) per diems, overnight allowance regulations, receipt retention obligations, mileage allowances & Co.

  • Kick-off − Kreativ-Transfer turns II

    Kick-off − Kreativ-Transfer turns II

    22 SEPTEMBER 2021 | 10.00 – 13.00 CET | ONLINE

    Kreativ-Transfer turns II !

    Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (DTD) can continue the programme until May 2023.
    To mark the restart, the DTD and its cooperation partners invited participants to an online kick-off - Kreativ-Transfer wird II - on 22 September 2021.

    What have we learnt from Creative Transfer I - before and during the pandemic? In a brief review, we shared impressions and experiences from the programme with you. But above all, we looked to the future. Together with Kreativ-Transfer grantees, funders, cooperation partners, jurors and other interested parties, we discussed various questions and challenges relating to international networking.
    We also provided information on the Creative Transfer II programme and offered the opportunity to exchange ideas with players in the cultural and creative industries.

    A short documentation of the event is in progress.

    Find the full programme here link

  • Grantees Get-together

    Grantees Get-together

    31 May 2021 | online

    To kick off the week, we invited Grantees by Kreativ-Transfer to exchange ideas with colleagues from different industries: about trade fair visits and trips, maintaining contacts during the pandemic and networking in the digital space. Other topics included the opportunities and challenges of international distribution and, of course, forging plans for the future.

    Armed with pots, soil and water, we planted wild herbs together and exchanged visions for a promising future.

  • Green Mobility, How to ... Travel expense report? & Review Kreativ-Transfer - a pilot programme!

    Green Mobility, How to ... Travel expense report? & Review Kreativ-Transfer - a pilot programme!

    28 & 29 April 2021 | online

    Two-day workshop series with three different topics: Green Mobility, How to ... Travel Expenses? & Review Kreativ-Transfer.

    28 April 2021 | Green Mobility
    As a programme that primarily supports travel to international trade fairs and festivals and aims to facilitate international networking and cooperation, we want to and must dedicate ourselves to the topic of green mobility.
    Together with Thorsten Koska | Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy gGmbH, Fine Stammnitz | Green Touring Network and actors from the fields of games, visual arts and performing arts, we tackled the topic and discussed individual options for action. And we did not ignore the different socio-economic framework conditions.

    Dokumentation Green Mobility

    29 April 2021 | How to … Reisekostenabrechnung?

    On the second day of the event, Neele Renzland and Béla Bisom | transmissions GmbH gave an introduction to the regulations of the German Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG) and shared all the important basic information required for a complete and correct travel expense report. They addressed typical errors in application and answered individual questions about (foreign) daily allowances, the obligation to retain receipts, kilometre allowances and more.

    Handout RKA
    (Die Informationen wurden sorgfältig recherchiert und aufbereitet, sie sind jedoch nicht rechtsverbindlich und können keine professionelle Rechtsberatung ersetzen.)

    29 April 2021 | Review Kreativ-Transfer – a pilot programme
    Kreativ-Transfer was launched at the beginning of 2019 with the aim of strengthening the international networking and visibility of players in the cultural and creative industries - in the performing arts, visual arts and games - on the international market. The promotion of travel to international trade fairs, festivals and platforms was a central component of the programme. Until the pandemic made travelling and attending events almost impossible. With the alternative funding of ‘international networking and professionalisation projects’, the programme endeavoured to continue supporting the international networking activities of those involved.

    In addition, Kreativ-Transfer invited participants to various - analogue and digital - exchange and networking meetings and workshops.
    The first funding period of the programme ended in April 2021. We have therefore invited you to look back on more than two years of Kreativ-Transfer together, share your experiences and get your feedback.

  • Now more than ever! Self-promotion and international communication

    Now more than ever! Self-promotion and international communication

    27 January 2021 | online

    [Translate to English:]

    Together with experts Thea Dymke | Co-Founder WITY - What's important to you, Yohann Floch | Fresh Arts Coalition Europe and Karoline Pfeiffer | Somatic Body Coach, around 100 participants from the fields of performing arts, visual arts and games discussed the topics of self-marketing and international communication on 27 January 2021.

    They shared knowledge, tips and tools to successfully present and communicate their artistic projects and creative ideas on the international market. In ten productive working groups and plenary discussions, current needs for action were addressed based on specific projects from the participants.

    With our sketchnotes, we record a selection of aha-moments, ideas and questions to yourself from the working groups. Many thanks to all participants for the exciting exchange!

    View as PDF

  • Hot punch for creative minds

    Hot punch for creative minds

    16 December 2020 | online

    In addition to hot punch and an ‘Update Kreativ-Transfer’, there was above all space to get to know each other, exchange ideas and speed-network with colleagues from the performing arts, visual arts and games industry.


  • Kreativ-Transfer Kick-off

    Kreativ-Transfer Kick-off

    22 March 2019 | Berlin

    We officially launched the Kreativ-Transfer programme with a kick-off event in Berlin on 22 March 2019.

    We interviewed companies, artists and games developers, producers, gallery owners and project space operators as well as representatives of the programme partners and the BKM about the opportunities and challenges of international work and networking, discussed them together, collected ideas and provided information about the funding programme.

    Photos: © Eva Radünzel