Review Events


Workshop series "Visibility! How to PR & Marketing?"

24 January | 31 January | 7 February 2024 | 15.00 – 17.00 CET (tbc)

Experts: Christopher Wulf, Tim Ahlert | Headup Games and Marija Haenisch | FREAKS 4U Gaming

Language: English
The programme will be held in English. Questions and comments in German are welcome in all programme points.

Target group: The workshop was aimed at developers and representatives of developer studios and teams from all over Germany who develop professional, innovative and creative games and operate independently of large companies (so-called "indies").

Programme: In order to gain visibility on the international market with your own studio / team and indie game as well as to successfully promote your own game, you require a number of skills. In the workshop serie „Visibility! How to PR & Marketing?“ invited experts provided you with knowledge, tips and tools from the games industry.

The detailed programme can be found here.

A qualification format of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland within the framework of the funding programme Kreativ-Transfer in cooperation with medianet GAMES International - Transatlantic and supported by Film- und Medienstiftung NRW. Your free participation is made possible by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM), the European Union, and the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises through its programme for internationalisation.

Workshop „Visibility! How to PR & Marketing?“

21. Februar 2023 | 10.00 – 16.30 Uhr | online

21 February 2023 | 10 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. | online

In order to gain visibility on the international market with your own studio / team and indie game as well as to successfully promote your own game, you require a number of skills. In the workshop „Visibility! How to PR & Marketing?“ we provided you with knowledge, tips and tools on the topics of attending trade fairs, community and influencer management together with invited experts from the games industry.

Our experts: Christopher Wulf, Alina Ullrich |Bethesdaund Jasmin Oestreicher instinct3

In addition to keynote speeches, Q&A sessions and group work, there was also the opportunity for an informal exchange of experiences and discussions among colleagues.

Programme: The programme can be found here.

A qualification format of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland within the framework of the funding programme Kreativ-Transfer in cooperation with games:net Berlin Europe and Film- und Medienstiftung NRW. Your free participation is made possible by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Senate Department forEconomics, Energy and Public Enterprises through its programme for internationalisation.


Workshop: Green Mobility. How we (can) network more sustainably.

17 & 18 May 2022 | online

Kreativ-Transfer aims to improve the international visibility of art and culture made in Germany. To this end, the programme supports international marketing and networking activities: it promotes trips to international fairs and festivals, supports digital marketing and offers digital and analogue exchange formats such as international get-togethers and networking meetings.

We are all aware that our marketing and networking activities - whether physical or digital - have a negative impact on the environment and therefore contribute to the global climate crisis.

A year ago, as part of our cross-sectoral Green Mobility workshop, we addressed the question of how ecologically sustainable action and international networking can be reconciled. We discussed the impact of our individual travel behaviour, responsible mobility management and specific options for action.

This is where we started: Together with various experts, we re-examined the question of how we (can) network more sustainably, and we were also able to take a look at the role of networks, because: We need to join forces to bring about change together.

Click here for the programme.