Expert: Kerstin Gold
Art Market Strategy Consultant | ArtTech StartUp Advisor | Co-founder and author Art+Tech Report
Language: German spoken language
The programme items were held in German. Questions and comments in German were welcome in all programme points.
Target group: The event was aimed at anyone interested in the visual arts who runs or represents a gallery, project space or producer gallery.
Programme: The international art market is facing a profound change: digital technologies, new collector groups and innovative business models are permanently changing the international playing field for galleries and other art market players. How can you as an entrepreneur operate successfully in this dynamic environment and survive in the long term? In this online seminar, Kerstin Gold, an expert in art market strategies and ArtTech, offered practical insights into the latest developments. Topics such as the ongoing digitalisation of the art market, changes in international collecting behaviour and collectors, the rise of digital art and the concept of ‘digital ownership’ were explored in detail.
Experts: Klaus Hillmann Tandem Lagerhaus und Kraftverkehr Kunst GmbH | Thomas Weis IGBK and touring artists
Language: German spoken language
The programme items were held in German. Questions and comments in German were welcome in all programme points.
Target group: The event was aimed at anyone interested in the visual arts who runs or represents a gallery, project space or producer gallery.
Programme: When representatives of galleries, project spaces and producer galleries want to visit an international art festival, fair or platform, this requires good organisational preparation. Last but not least, they are faced with the question of ‘How do the art objects get to the exhibition venue on time and safely - and back again if necessary?’.
Wrong decisions can be expensive and also jeopardise participation in the planned event. The input and Q&A provided all interested parties with information and decision-making aids to ensure that transport to events abroad is legally compliant and cost-effective.
The detailed programme can be found here.
Kreativ-Transfer aims to improve the international visibility of art and culture made in Germany. To this end, the programme supports international marketing and networking activities: it promotes trips to international fairs and festivals, supports digital marketing and offers digital and analogue exchange formats such as international get-togethers and networking meetings.
We are all aware that our marketing and networking activities - whether physical or digital - have a negative impact on the environment and therefore contribute to the global climate crisis.
A year ago, as part of our cross-sectoral Green Mobility workshop, we addressed the question of how ecologically sustainable action and international networking can be reconciled. We discussed the impact of our individual travel behaviour, responsible mobility management and specific options for action.
This is where we started: Together with various experts, we re-examined the question of how we (can) network more sustainably, and we were also able to take a look at the role of networks, because: We need to join forces to bring about change together.
Click here for the programme.
Kreativ-Transfer hat zum Ziel, die internationale Sichtbarkeit von Kunst und Kultur made in Germany zu verbessern. Zu diesem Zweck unterstützt das Programm internationale Vermarktungs- und Vernetzungsaktivitäten: Es fördert Reisen zu internationalen Messen und Festivals, unterstützt die digitale Vermarktung und bietet digitale sowie analoge Austauschformate wie internationale Get-together und Vernetzungstreffen.
Klaus Hillmann Tandem Lagerhaus und Kraftverkehr Kunst GmbH | Thomas Weis IGBK und touring artists
Spoken language:
Mainly in German, questions and comments in English are welcome
Target group:
The event is aimed at anyone interested in the visual arts who runs or represents a gallery, project space or producer gallery.
Important decisions need to be made when it comes to transport: Can the artworks be transported yourself? Or would it be better to commission a haulage company or courier service? And which route will the objects take: as freight in a car / lorry, by sea, by rail or by plane? The respective advantages and disadvantages need to be weighed up, with financial factors and sustainability aspects also playing a major role.
The customs regulations of the individual countries must also be taken into account. Within the EU, the barriers for importing and exporting goods and for people travelling have been reduced. However, customs regulations must be observed when transporting goods across the borders of the EU customs territory. As international and European customs law and national regulations are interlinked, things can quickly become confusing. When do import or export duties and customs duties have to be paid? What is a returned goods regulation or an identification guarantee? And when should a pro forma invoice be issued or an A.T.A. carnet used?
How can contacts be made and business initiated with international partners if travelling is not possible? How does networking work if trade fairs and conferences do not take place or only take place digitally? Can online formats replace the small talks and live meetings that are important for networking? Is participation in online events (sometimes for a fee) a worthwhile investment?
We discussed these and other questions together with gallery owners.
How can contacts be made and business initiated with international partners if travelling is not possible? How does networking work if trade fairs and festivals do not take place or only take place digitally? Can online formats replace the small talks and live encounters that are important for networking? Is participation in online events (sometimes for a fee) a worthwhile investment?
We discussed these and other questions together with operators of project spaces and producer galleries.