The group trips serve the purpose of collectively exploring the market with multiple companies/artists/producers and are accompanied by one or more experts. They are designed as tandem trips, meaning that ideally, two individuals per studio / team should travel together with the goal of maximizing marketing and networking opportunities. The aim is to enable individuals with different roles within a company / studio to travel together, allowing them to better address various aspects of the presented work in marketing and networking efforts.
Accordingly, travel grants for two persons can and should be applied for.
Possible tandem constellations are e.g.: Studio CEO and Lead Designer / CEO and BizDev Manager / CEO and Director Marketing.
Manny Hachey – Xsolla will accompany the journey as an expert.
Selected participants will be announced here.
Further information on the current call for applications can be found here.
Time Period: 16 - 23 March 2024, including arrival and departure day
Accompaniment: Riad Djemili – Maschinen-Mensch | | Saftladen
Time Period: 20 – 24 March 2023, plus arrival and departure days.
Accompaniment: Valentina Birke – Super Crowd Entertainment GmbH | Indie Arena Booth | DreamHack Beyond